Campfire Dessert Quesadillas


  • 1 Brown Rice Tortilla

  • 1/4 cup All Natural Peanut Butter

  • 1/4 cup Dark Chocolate Chips

  • 1/2 oz Graham Crackers (crumbled)


  1. Heat the grill to medium heat.

  2. While it is heating, place the tortilla on a plate. Spread the peanut butter onto one-half of the tortilla. Add the chocolate chips and crushed graham crackers on the same side. Fold the tortilla in half to close it and gently press down.

  3. Place the quesadilla on the grill and cook on each side for two to three minutes or until you see grill marks and the chocolate has melted.

  4. Remove from the heat, cut in half, and enjoy!


Leftovers: Best enjoyed right away

Serving Size: One serving is one half.

No Peanut Butter: Use other nut or seed butter of choice.

Additional Toppings: Add mini marshmallows, shredded coconut, and/or nuts before grilling.

Nutrition Facts

Makes 2 Servings

Nutrients per serving: Calories: 473 | Protein: 11 grams | Fiber: 3 grams | Carbohydrates: 42 grams | Fat: 28 grams | Sugar: 20 grams


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