Protein, Beverages Brittyn Coleman, MS, RDN/LD Protein, Beverages Brittyn Coleman, MS, RDN/LD

A2 Milk

A2 milk may be a better milk option for those that want the benefits of milk without the inflammatory, gastrointestinal, and cognitive effects that can come from conventional milk. It may also be easier for those with dairy intolerance to digest.

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Protein, Beverages Brittyn Coleman, MS, RDN/LD Protein, Beverages Brittyn Coleman, MS, RDN/LD

Camel Milk

In addition to containing a variety of minerals and vitamins, camel milk has high water content and is low in lactose. Camel milk has been shown to improve oxidative stress and improve antioxidant status in children with autism, and show promising benefits in social cognition, social communication, and social awareness.

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Protein Brittyn Coleman, MS, RDN/LD Protein Brittyn Coleman, MS, RDN/LD


Chicken is an easily accessible, easy to prepare protein source that has become a dietary staple. Due to the high protein content, there are benefits in muscle growth, bone strength, healing, and much more[1].

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Beverages, Protein Brittyn Coleman, MS, RDN/LD Beverages, Protein Brittyn Coleman, MS, RDN/LD


Cow’s milk, while it contains a wide variety of nutrients, is one of the most common food sensitivities in children with autism, and the protein casein may be to blame. Many (but not all) children with ASD benefit from a dairy-free diet.

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Protein Brittyn Coleman, MS, RDN/LD Protein Brittyn Coleman, MS, RDN/LD


Eggs are a great source of many nutrients, including choline, which is beneficial for neurotransmission, brain development, and bone integrity. Eggs can be a great protein source for those with and without ASD.

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Protein Brittyn Coleman, MS, RDN/LD Protein Brittyn Coleman, MS, RDN/LD


Fish contains a variety of beneficial nutrients including omega-3s, protein, and various vitamins and minerals. Children with ASD often have a decreased intake of fish, which may increase the risk of ADHD or cause omega-3 deficiency.

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Beverages, Protein Brittyn Coleman, MS, RDN/LD Beverages, Protein Brittyn Coleman, MS, RDN/LD


Kefir is a fermented drink (dairy or non-dairy) that can provide a variety of nutrients and beneficial gut bacteria. It has been shown to significantly improve bowel movements and may decrease inflammatory responses and allergy development through the intestinal immune system.

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Beverages, Protein Brittyn Coleman, MS, RDN/LD Beverages, Protein Brittyn Coleman, MS, RDN/LD

Pea Milk

Pea milk is a nutritionally balanced milk alternative. It provides 8 grams of complete protein and up to 50% more calcium per serving than cow’s milk, making it a great alternative for individuals who are intolerant to dairy or soy.

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Protein Brittyn Coleman, MS, RDN/LD Protein Brittyn Coleman, MS, RDN/LD


Salmon is an incredibly nutrient-dense food one can incorporate into their diet with benefits ranging from anti-inflammatory effects, protection against heavy metal toxicity, and cognitive function support.

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Protein Brittyn Coleman, MS, RDN/LD Protein Brittyn Coleman, MS, RDN/LD


Shellfish contain many beneficial nutrients including protein, omega-3s, and various vitamins and minerals. Children with ASD often have a decreased intake of shellfish and fish, which may contribute to low omega-3 levels.

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Protein Brittyn Coleman, MS, RDN/LD Protein Brittyn Coleman, MS, RDN/LD


While soy is a plant-based protein that offers a variety of nutrients, its use may be contraindicated in autism due to high levels of glyphosate, genetic modification, and a similar molecular structure to gluten and casein. Some studies show soy-based infant formula may be associated with deficits in language, communication, hypersensitivity, and even seizures.

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Protein Brittyn Coleman, MS, RDN/LD Protein Brittyn Coleman, MS, RDN/LD


Turkey is an easily accessible, easy to prepare protein source that has become a dietary staple, especially on Thanksgiving. Turkey’s nutrients are beneficial for energy production, formation of red blood cells and DNA, metabolism, and bone health[1].

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