[Round Up] Best Gluten-Free Birthday Cake Mixes

Birthdays, class celebrations, and other special events can cause concern for many parents who have kids with autism on a special diet. It seems very black-and-white - to either deprive them of the event all together or just let them participate and eat the foods that don't fit into their diet plan.

Thankfully, it doesn't have to be black and white! We can prepare ahead of time and still allow them access to socialize and have fun with other kids while still sticking to their diet plan. To have success, we suggest the following:

  1. Create a calendar of upcoming events and set reminders to prepare and grocery shop ahead of time

  2. Find brands/items that fit into your child's diet plan and have them handy for special occasions (see some of my favorites below)

  3. Bake and have your child try them ahead of time to ensure they enjoy the special food

  4. Give a heads up to any other caregivers, teachers, or family members about your plan. Send multiple notes to school if needed

Now, of course, these items are not for every day consumption - but they can provide a better option for when there are special events so that your child can participate, engage socially with friends/family, and ENJOY!

**Note that all of these options are gluten-free and can be tailored to additional dietary needs as needed!*

Our Favorite store-bought mixes:

Vanilla Cake

Chocolate Cake

our favorite recipes:

A note on ingredient quality: If possible, choose products with ingredients that are primarily organic and non-GMO. Stores such as Sprouts, Natural Grocers, Whole Foods, and other health food stores can help finding higher-quality products and ingredients. If access to higher quality products isn't an option for you, choose the best option that is available to you locally.


GFCF Mac & Cheese


Almond Butter Stuffed Dates