Fruit Brittyn Coleman, MS, RDN/LD Fruit Brittyn Coleman, MS, RDN/LD


Avocados are nutrient dense with fiber helping the gut microbes stay fed and happy, leading to the brain being happy and in turn good behavior. There is a lot of evidence on nutrients found in avocados and autism, although there is limited research on avocados and autism itself.

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Fruit Brittyn Coleman, MS, RDN/LD Fruit Brittyn Coleman, MS, RDN/LD


Apples are easily accessible and last a long time in the fridge, making them convenient to have on hand. They’re known for fiber, vitamin C and antioxidants, which can have benefits on gut health, and immune and neurological function!

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Fruit Brittyn Coleman, MS, RDN/LD Fruit Brittyn Coleman, MS, RDN/LD


Bananas are flavorful, carbohydrate-rich fruits that provide a variety of nutrients and benefits throughout each ripening phase.

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Fruit Brittyn Coleman, MS, RDN/LD Fruit Brittyn Coleman, MS, RDN/LD


Blueberries are small, sweet, blue or blackish edible berries that are rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. Blueberries are one of the greatest sources of antioxidants that help benefit the brain, heart, cells, and reduce inflammation in the body. They are a common and convenient fruit that can easily be incorporated into various meals.

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Fruit Brittyn Coleman, MS, RDN/LD Fruit Brittyn Coleman, MS, RDN/LD


Coconuts are an excellent source of healthy fats & minerals to add to your diet, and may even have brain-boosting, pro-metabolic, cardiovascular, and gastrointestinal benefits.

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Fruit Brittyn Coleman, MS, RDN/LD Fruit Brittyn Coleman, MS, RDN/LD


Regularly used as a natural sweetening agent, date fruit provides a rich source of antioxidants. While research is ongoing, dates have been studied to have favorable impacts and digestive, brain and bone health when consumed in moderation.

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Fruit Brittyn Coleman, MS, RDN/LD Fruit Brittyn Coleman, MS, RDN/LD


Kiwi is a fiber-rich, nutrient-dense fruit that comes in green and golden varieties. It has several health benefits, including positive effects on sleep and the gastrointestinal system, making them a great choice for children on the autism spectrum.

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Fruit Brittyn Coleman, MS, RDN/LD Fruit Brittyn Coleman, MS, RDN/LD


Lemons are a yellow, acidic citrus fruit with a sweet/sour flavor. They are an excellent source of vitamin C.

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Fruit Brittyn Coleman, MS, RDN/LD Fruit Brittyn Coleman, MS, RDN/LD


Mango has a high nutritional value with a sweet taste and attractive scent. Studies suggest that some of its components are anti-inflammatory and work wonders for the gut.

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Fruit Brittyn Coleman, MS, RDN/LD Fruit Brittyn Coleman, MS, RDN/LD


Oranges are a citrus fruit with a sweet, tangy flavor. There are many varieties and all are an excellent source of vitamin C.

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Fruit Brittyn Coleman, MS, RDN/LD Fruit Brittyn Coleman, MS, RDN/LD


Papaya is a delicious tropical fruit with anti-inflammatory and digestive-supporting benefits. Not only is the flesh edible, but the seeds and leaves have been used traditionally for their medicinal benefits.

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Fruit Brittyn Coleman, MS, RDN/LD Fruit Brittyn Coleman, MS, RDN/LD


Pears are versatile, sweet fruits with a plethora of nutrients. The fiber found in pears can be helpful for constipation, reducing inflammation, and reducing risk of many chronic diseases.

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Fruit Brittyn Coleman, MS, RDN/LD Fruit Brittyn Coleman, MS, RDN/LD


Pineapples have an abundance of beneficial nutrients and compounds in them. Research has been limited on pineapples and autism, however, there is a lot of research that suggests that the nutrients and compounds within pineapples can help with ASD symptoms and behavior.

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Fruit Brittyn Coleman, MS, RDN/LD Fruit Brittyn Coleman, MS, RDN/LD


Pumpkin is a type of winter squash that is a great source of fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants which can help with ASD symptoms in aiding in digestion, reducing inflammation, and benefit the brain and cells.

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