
What is Broccoli?

  • Broccoli is a cruciferous vegetable that is a source of non-dairy calcium. It also contains sulforaphane which has been shown to help to reduce inflammation, oxidative stress and promote detoxification in children with autism [1].

    • Alternatives to traditional broccoli include Chinese broccoli, broccoli raab (rapini) and romanesco broccoli.

    • Choose broccoli with deep green florets and a firm stalk. Avoid broccoli with yellow florets and a stalk that bends.

  • Broccoli is a source of sulforaphane.

    • Sulforaphane helps to reduce inflammation, oxidative stress and promote detoxification [1]. To learn more about sulforaphane, visit the sulforaphane note.

    • Broccoli sprouts contain a greater amount of sulforaphane compared to broccoli [1,2,3,4].

Nutrient Breakdown

  • Broccoli contains a variety of nutrients including:

  • Cooking Broccoli

    • Raw broccoli contains the greatest amount of sulforaphane [5]

    • When cooking broccoli, steaming is the best option to help reduce that amount of sulforaphane lost in the cooking water [2].

Foods Containing Broccoli

  • Coleslaw

  • Veggie fries

  • Broccoli sprouts

  • Riced veggies

  • Soup

Broccoli Alternatives

Food Reactions

The body can respond to foods in many different ways including food allergies, food sensitivities, or food intolerances. If you suspect a food reaction, you can either choose to avoid the food or seek food reaction testing. Click here more information on the difference in types of food reactions and testing options

Broccoli & Autism in the Research

There are no current studies on autism and broccoli. However, broccoli is a source of sulforaphane which has been studied in autism. To learn more about sulforaphane, visit the sulforaphane note.

DISCLAIMER: Always consult with your pediatrician and/or your Registered Dietitian to help you test for a food reaction or to aid you in making individualized dietary changes.

  • [1] Ruhee RT, Suzuki K. The Integrative Role of Sulforaphane in Preventing Inflammation, Oxidative Stress and Fatigue: A Review of a Potential Protective Phytochemical. Antioxidants. 2020;9(16). 

    [2] Vanduchova A, Anzenbacher P, Anzenbacherova E. Isothiocyanate form Broccoli, Sulforaphane and its Properties. Journal of Medicinal Food. 2019; 22(2): 121-126.

    [3] Klomparens EA, Ding Y. The neuropreotecive mechanisms and effects of sulforaphane. Brain Circulation. 2019; 5: 74-83.

    [4] Liu H, Talalay P, Fahey JW. Biomarker-Guided Strategy for Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). CNS & Neurological Disorders - Drug Targets. 2016; 15: 602-613.

    [5] McNaughton SA, Marks GC. Development of a food composition database for the estimation of dietary intakes of glucosinolates, the biologically active constituents of cruciferous vegetables. British Journal of Nutrition. 2003; 90: 687-697.


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