Kid-Friendly Avocado Toast

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Avocado is a rich source of fiber and healthy fat . Combining these nutrients help keep your child full and nourished until the next meal/snack. This recipe features avocado, which has been shown to prevent cognitive decline and may help reduce severity of autism (read the avocado note for more on this!) .

Due to the high fiber content in this recipe, this is also a great meal or snack for kids struggling with constipation. To make it a full meal, we’d recommend adding an egg on top, or a source of protein to round out the meal!

The great thing about this kid-friendly avocado toast is that it is highly customizable! You can add a variety of toppings including beans, chickpeas, eggs, leftover veggies, seeds, nuts, or lemon juice according to your child’s sensory preferences and nutritional needs.


  • 1/2-1 avocado

  • 2 slices of bread

    • For gluten-free, our favorite is Canyon Bakehouse! For non-gluten-free individuals we love sourdough bread)

  • Sea salt 

  • Ground black pepper

Note: Most ingredients above are linked to items at Thrive Market for your convenience. Sign up with this link to get 30% off your first order.


  • Toaster 

  • Bowl

  • Fork

A note on ingredient quality: If possible, choose ingredients that are organic and non-GMO. Stores such as Sprouts, Natural Grocers, Whole Foods, and other health food stores can help finding higher-quality ingredients. If access to higher quality ingredients isn't an option for you, choose the best option that is available to you locally.


  1. Toast 2 slices of bread 

  2. Slice the avocado in half, remove the seed and scoop out the avocado into a bowl

  3. Mash the avocado with a fork to make the avocado smooth and consistent

  4. Add sea salt and black pepper to taste

  5. Spread the smashed avocado onto each slice generously

  6. Serve while the toast is warm and enjoy

Nutrition Facts

Serving Size: 1 piece of Canyon Bakehouse toast with 1/4 avocado | Makes 2 Servings

Calories: 150 | Protein: 3 grams | Fiber: 5 grams | Carbohydrates: 21 grams | Fat: 6 grams | Sugar: 2 grams


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